Dear Babs: I was rejected on my College Admission: Should I plan on a transfer?

Dear Babs: I was rejected on my College Admission: Should I plan on a transfer?
Dear Babs,
I didn't get into my dream school. I am so in love with the campus at Washington University, and I really hoped I'd get in. The next-best school I got into was Dickinson College, and it's OK, but I still really want to go to Washington University. What are my chances of getting into WashU as a college transfer?
- Disappointed Dan
Dear Disappointed,
I'm sorry you didn't get into your first-choice college. It sucks to be rejected, especially when you want something so bad. However, all is not lost. You did get into a great school - Dickinson College. I can't tell you how many students have to go to their second, third, fourth or fifth choice school and wind up loving it!
If you are hell-bent on transferring, there are some things that you can do to improve your odds. Colleges look for transfer applicants who show significant change since they last applied. If you didn't get in this time around because of your GPA, or because you didn't seem like you had enough focus, or because you weren't well-rounded, than those are the areas you need to improve on. Try to get your school counselor to call the admissions office, and give you a reason for your rejection. It may be hard to hear, but it's the only way you'll be able to improve. Also, showing continuing interest in the school (even after they rejected you) will let them know that they are still your No. 1.
Make next year your test-ground to discover what you like, both in a campus and academically. Take different classes, and work really hard to get A's. Don't just join clubs to join, but really get into student life on campus. Finally, think about why Washington University is your be-all and end-all of all schools. Did they have one program that you loved? Search for college classes at Dickinson that show your dedication to this area study. Washington University is going to look for similar attributes in a transfer that they did in a regular applicant; they don't want to see some mope-y freshman who's still hung up on not getting into their "first choice." And honestly, if you just like Washington University because it has a prettier campus, than that really isn't a good reason to transfer.
Once you've moved into your dorm at Dickinson College, chances are you'll start making friends and having a great time! Dickinson is a good school, whether it's your first or second choice. If you can make a good group of friends, get involved, and enjoy your classes, you've found the right school for you. It could turn out to be your dream school after all.

Dear Babs: I was rejected on my College Admission: Should I plan on a transfer?


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