College Counselor Advice: Students need to consider what they want from life

College Counselor Advice: Students need to consider what they want from life
Special reports
Glasgow Daily Times

Dear Editor,
There is a subject on my mind that I would like to share with you and the students of this area.
Back when I was in school, there was only one guidance counselor, and she spent most of her time and efforts on the upper class and upper middle class students. A doctor’s, lawyer’s or businessman’s student got her attention; leaving the middle and lower class students on their own.
The students that got her services were pointed to the right classes and assisted in getting into college.
The less fortunate either struggled through school or dropped out to take a job. There were lots of jobs for a young man then. Service stations dotted the map. They all needed attendants. Grocery stores and even some retail stores had jobs available, as did Mallorys, Sorenson’s and Tysons. The problem here was that they had jobs. Jobs were subject to end at any time and that person had to start over somewhere. For most, it was an endless road. Girls usually dropped out to get married and start a family. Another hard road to hold. The problem was that the average person did not notice or care.
The better students usually headed off to college, or were drafted. Because most men were drafted, people leaving the military were shown respect and jobs were open for them. These men in college often were there just to dodge the draft; and didn’t really have a plan for their life. I worked with a man like that. He went off to school, was on his own for the first time and didn’t know what he wanted. He spent most of his time partying, cutting class and just being a flop until the school sent him home after a year with one credit and a ton of money spent. He has regretted those decisions since, but somehow managed to be fairly successful in life. He knows that less partying and more study could have made a world of difference in his life.
Today we have counselors, teachers, parents and peers to help, guide and point students in the right direction for college. I commend the schools for that; but schools do not seem to consider that college is not for everyone that may get in the front door. While it is generally considered a degree is needed to be a success isn’t necessarily so. Students need to seriously consider what they want from life and school. Once a decision is made, a plan should be drawn up on paper, and perhaps discussed with a counselor. Attorneys, teachers and several other careers require a degree, or maybe an advanced degree. That takes time, dedication and most of all “money.”
If you see on your plan that you aren’t going to be able to pay for college, even with student loans, consider what you will be happy and secure doing. There are numerous tech schools and trade schools across the country. Maybe you want a career in medicine. You can become a licensed practical nurse, or x-ray tech, or maybe in a blood lab, or physical therapy office. There are numerous jobs in medicine; or maybe auto mechanics or aircraft mechanics is more to your taste. There are paralegals, EMTs, music instructors, heavy machinery operators and of course semi drivers. All of the above are careers, a short time in school and you are on your way. Don’t be misled, college is not for everyone; but almost everyone needs a secure, well paying career. The key word here is career, not job. Jobs can be temporary, but careers seem to endure.
I hope that someone has seen a small glimmer of light from this and will discuss it with their parents, counselors and maybe businessmen and women in the area. One word of advice. Don’t drop out of school and somehow get that paper that recognizes you as being trained and qualified to fill a given position.
May success and happiness be that of every student in school today. That is my wish, even my prayer for you.
Joe Grimsley

College Counselor Advice: Students need to consider what they want from life


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