College Admission Help: Web Cameras Being Used for College Admission Interviews

College Admission Help: Web Cameras Being Used for College Admission Interviews

By Jonathan Serrie
FOX News

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Wake Forest University is taking advantage of new technology in its undergraduate application process. It's a part of the university's plan to shift the focus from SAT scores to one-on-one interviews.

"We look for ways to make the process personal and to really go beyond the numbers," said Martha Allman, WFU admissions.

The process is as simple as logging onto Skype, a free phone and video conferencing Web site.

Admission counselors spend about 30 minutes interviewing each applicant. Since September, about 200 have opted to interview via Web cam.

"I thought it was a really great way for Wake to get a better feel of who I am. Because, for my family, it would have been very difficult to get me to Wake Forest to do a personal interview," said Kathryn Waggoner, a high school senior from Memphis.

"This gives us a way to almost be face to face, to use technology to be more personal in the process," said Allman.

At least a dozen graduate schools are said to be using Web interviews for prospective students.

College Admission Help: Web Cameras Being Used for College Admission Interviews


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